We offer a Foster/Pet home program to suitable, forever homes. These are girls we have kept for our future breeding program but think it is nicer for them to be in their forever home earlier rather than when they have finished breeding, there is no cost for our Pet home girls but they are on a contract and will be required for breeding from time to time.
We currently available.
Sophie, Miniature Schnauzer 1 year old.
Rosie, Miniature Schnauzer 2 years old.
Yoshie, Japanese Spitz 3 years old.
Grace, Japanese Spitz, 2 1/2 years old.
We also have a gorgeous darker Apricot Toy Poodle boy that would love to be in a Pet/Foster home.
If you are interested in a boy please call us to discuss, we have several stud dogs that would be happy to live their life in a Pet/Foster home.
We prefer homes where someone is home most of the time as that is what they used to, someone working full time would only be considered if they have another dog for company.
To qualify you need to be within a reasonable driving distance to Tauranga (within 1 hour)
Please feel free to contact me to discuss further Ph. 0274778990